A wedding…

8 07 2007

So today Missy(my fiance) and I had our third and final marital counseling.  Today was with steve and it was amazing!

Well needless to say I never realized how much i had to work on, in order to be the “great” husband i pray to be. Praying to be a great husband is a must, but action on top of that is just as important.

It is amazing to me the effort that truly has to go into a marriage! my goodness! A whole lot more than just sex! (which is great in a marriage like God intended on it being) okay so not that I ever really thought that, but honestly marriage takes alot!

I realized how much more work on my part it is going to take to be a “great” husband. four weeks out, and I couldn’t be more excited, nervous, stressed, and happy! alot of emotions going on at once!

So to all who are about to get married or thinking about it, find a cool christian person to do your counseling! I considered not doing counseling to be honest, but i am so glad that we decided to do it! it helps a TON!



One response

13 07 2007
Angela Yoshiko

Counselors would have a lot less couple counseling to do if more people would do some serious pre-marital counselor. Congratulations on everything!

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